
Monday, March 12, 2012

Simply Beautiful!

A few pictures of our princess that her Aunty Lala took of her yesterday! She was the Belle of the Ball!

I dont know if I've mentioned this, but Aleena is Navajo, her daddy is 1/2, so she is 1/4! Love our little lady!

Friday, March 9, 2012

3 Things I Can't Live Without..Or Should I Say We!

My sleep deprivation has been tested, my fast shower skills have been empowered, and my ability to multitask has somewhat vanished for the past two weeks! In the time that I have been trying to be the best mom that I am possibly capable of being, I have learned to except the fact that I cannot do everything to make Aleena as comfortable as she needs to be. Therefore, I have come to LOVE a few objects that help me get through the nights! The first one is the lovely pacifier! At first, I thought that if Aleena was crying, her diaper was clean, and she was being held and she was still fussy, then that must mean that she is hungry! Well my nipples are paying for the hourly feeding that I thought she so desperately needed! Now if nothing else calms her, I then turn to our trustworthy pacifier. Thank you, you beautiful invention, the ones from the hospital are the best if I say so myself!

The next item on the list of top favorites it the wonderful Cloud B Lamb that Aleena's Aunty Lala gave us as a gift! For some reason, which I am not complaining, the soothing sound of a whale helps Aleena fall asleep, and stay asleep for her 2 hour naps! I honestly don't know what I (we) would do without it during the night... it's a lifesaver! 

Now lastly, one of our favorite things that we have come to adore over the past two weeks is the time that seems to stand still for a few minutes and allows us to soak up all the love that Aleena has brought into our lives when we didn't think it was possible! We love you baby girl, we always will, and you are forever our little Love Bug! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2 Weeks,Too Fast!

Today was Aleena's two week check up, and everything looks great! Besides the fact that she has reflux, our baby girl is a healthy, beautiful, and blessed love bug! Its amazing that she went from 7lbs. 11 oz., to 8 lbs. 12 oz. in just two weeks! My baby loves her milk! It's funny because I feel like she never eats enough, but her being in the 86 percentile for weight proves that I'm just being an over concerned mother! Thank you Aleena for eating like a little hungry monster, but please stop growing up to fast!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Her First Sponge Bath!

Her first sponge bath took place the other night! All I can say is that she LOVED it! She loved it so much that she fell asleep as soon as we started washing her hair! She truly was being pampered and loving every minute of it! Daddy couldn't stop taking picture of his little princess with a head full of hair! It took more that one dab of baby shampoo to clean all of it, I guess she takes after her mama! After the bath was over, all I could think about was taking her swimming in the summer time! Super excited!

So refreshed!

Adorable little woman!
