
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

When first deciding that our next step was to have a baby, the thought was that it would happen right away. That is not how it works at all. This is one of the times when the saying, "patience is a virtue" comes into play and makes impatient people like me want to throw up. However, it seems to go along with Fernando's attitude perfectly which, I don't understand how he can be some calm ( i might need to tell me his secret in doing so). I don't want to make the experience an unpleasant one for him and be so serious all the time. I need to remember that we are together and we still need to have fun as a couple. With all the excitement that I have been feeling lately it has made me very impatient and a little stressed at the same time. Every article I read tells me that baby making needs to be kept fun and spontaneous, I believe to be doing the exact opposite in my situation. I need to find a way to relax and get a hold of myself once more. I know that being informed before having a baby is very important but reading up on too much information has made me a bit of a nut job. So I believe I will steer clear of any baby health issue articles for a while and stick to the decorating side of it all for a bit.

I'm moving along quite good with my chair project and am very impressed with my skills. After I complete my chair (which I have made it top priority to do so) I want to find a cute little dresser that I can redo and keep for our nursery. I want to be able to look at the dresser and know that I was able to make it exactly how I want it to be for our baby! Maybe I can ask Fernando to do the same for a rocker...or maybe I'll just have him buy me one!

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