
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Not This Time Around!

Fernando joined me at my doctors appointment which went great, and a lot of exciting news was discovered by us both! Let me just say that Fernando was a trooper and he handled the awkward pelvic exam like a pro!

So when the ultrasound began ( which was a vaginal ultrasound ), my eyes were searching the screen for more than one baby blob! Then I realized that I had no idea what I was even looking at! I think my doctor caught on to my expression right away because then the lesson began! After a couple of minutes I realized she wasn't moving that device around in me. So I asked her, is there more than one in there?

Ok, I know I'm only 20 and having twins for my first pregnancy would be a lot to handle but I guess for me it just seems like the perfect scenario for Fernando and I!

The Doc told me that it was just too early to tell, but I dont believe her! If I'm not having twins this time around then I am perfectly content with that! So I guess that the Pencil Test was a fail in our case!

Our Baby Blob Herrera!

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