
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taking a Chance With Dinner!

Today started off with tons of homework that needed to be completed... and I am still working on that. Let me just say as a side note that reading really makes me hungry, even if I just recently ate! Dinner was the last thing on my mind, but when Fernando came home early I felt bad because he had been cooking dinner for us the last couple of nights.

All Recipes is such a great website that I turn to when I am in a rush and want a home cooked meal. I have never made, let alone ate cheddar cheese covered chicken and rice casserole but for some crazy reason I was craving it right that moment! Let me just say that it was a complete success and I plan on putting this dinner into the recipe book!

Fernando had never ate it either so I was worried that he wasn't going to like this new dinner choice of mine so I decided to make a back-up plan. You can never go wrong with chocolate chip cookies! I guess I'll have to wait to enjoy them with Fernando because I think my dinner knocked him straight into nap mode!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Too Soon to Tell!

Being so early in this pregnancy has really tested my patience. Not knowing if we are going to be expecting a little handsome man or an adorable little lady has really gotten the best of me! I have to say what a trooper to my mother and grandmother were for never being able to find out early due to the time of their pregnancies. I doubt I would have been able to do the same! I feel like a little kid that is waiting for santa to bring me my gift but the date just keeps getting pushed further and further back! I think that I am going to pull out my hair one of these days... very soon!

I have always loved my shopping trips, even if the items aren't for myself. The joy of being able to pick whatever I want and be able to see in worn, played with, put to good use or just adored, has always given me such great satisfaction! Now I feel completely different about these money hogging trips.

I get that I am able to purchase neutral colors for our little one, greens, browns, light blues, yellow and white. To me however, that just takes all the fun out of shopping for my first baby. I want to be able to pick up that handsome varsity cardigan, or that adorable purple and pink tutu, but instead I get to pick out neutral colored items.

Today however, I was able to fulfill a little morsal of my satisfaction when I picked out these adorable little moccasins, that can be worn my our soon-to-be little man or little lady!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A New Kind of Shopping!

A lovely day today is what I had with my mother, sister Raquel and her two crazy adorable sons Sammy and Noah. I am always taken back when I hear the smart and mindful thoughts that come out of those two boys. I guess like others I catch myself underestimating the the level of maturity that my nephews are capable of!

Our journey today started with bumming around the mall, window shopping for some even that is bound to be around the corner one of these days! I don't know why I am so gullible when it comes to these outings. I am the one who is always broke but I somehow seem to be the one who makes the first purchase! Oh well, in the back of my mind I am beaming with happiness, thinking of the great new find I have at the bottom of my bag.

Now in the past I have had frozen yogurt, but until today I have never had REAL frozen yogurt bites of deliciousness! I was quite content for the rest of the day, ( so I thought ) with my raspberry yogurt topped with blackberries, sliced kiwi, bits of strawberries, and a couple of fresh raspberries to go on top!

On our way back to the car, Motherhood was spotted and in we went, to window shop... so I thought! I hadn't been in that store sense my older sister was pregnant with her first, so I didn't really know what to expect. Well hellooo skinny jeans!! I was so surprised with how many cute, stylish and affordable clothes that they offered! Fitting rooms here I come, along with the awkward baby bump latch on for quick peeks into the future as to what Ill look like in 5 months! That is something very weird to me. Needless to say, I fell in love with these cute dark jeans that I could picture myself going into labor in! Stylish and ready to become a mama! As a gift from my lovely mother, she insisted that she make the purchase for me, well thank you mom!

Pregnancy here I come, with a cute new wardrobe!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blog Time

This blog was started a little over three months ago to help me gather my thoughts and to test out this amazingly fun blogging world! As the months have passed my daily experiences have been shared with those that pass by, but mainly myself! I have become a huge fan of Top Baby Blogs and try to browse a different blog as much as possible; hense my continuously dying phone!

From my first visit to the website I knew that I wanted to be a part of it, but I had to keep up with my blog for three months before I could do so. Well that time has finally come! Everyone, i am now a member of Top Baby Blog! Waking up to an email stating that my blog was approved was more exciting then I ever expected! I found myself texting Fernando right away ( 6 am right away ) telling him the great news!

I feel like I have accomplished a huge obstical, I am almost over the mountain in front of me! My blog is going to mean something to someone other than myself! Followers press my vote button! I was so excited all day until reality struck. I don't know how to add all these nifty features to my blog, I can't find my blog on the website, and I feel like I got my hopes up all for nothing.

Question of the day: Why am I not a computer whizz?!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crazy Monday!

I have known that this particular Monday was on the horizon and that along with it came the first day back to school for the fall semester. I love school, it lets me realize that learning comes naturally to me and I will never stop retaining information. The first day back for me this time however was a little different. For the first time I was going to give online classes a whirl and see how I liked it. Staying at home while doing my school work would challenge me, putting myself to the test, I succeeded!

Look at me! I'm such a great multitasker! 3 classes, a clean house, and all the laundry is done!

To top off this monday of craziness, my sleeping time was blessed with a new discovery! I find myself waking up frequently, whether it be for needing to use the restroom or to find a new comfortable position to sleep. Well, during one of those wake ups I felt a slight nudge inside of my stomach! Trying not to overwhelm myself with joy, I started to come up with other explanations as to what it could have been: air moving through my stomach, no, it didn't feel like that at all, me moving in an awkward way and imagining the movement all together, no, I wasn't moving fast or weird at all. In the middle of my thinking, and lying still I felt it again! This time I was certain, for the first time in my life I was feeling my little one inside of me giving me a nudge. Telling me, "hey scoot over, your squishing me", or, " hey mom, I am going to be so darn cute and wake you up with my nudges in the middle of the night"!

Either way I am thrilled to have been awake for it! A lot of people say that what I felt wasn't the baby at all, but I know my body, and I know what I felt! This experience has given me an entirely new feeling of what it is like to be pregnant!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yummy In My Tummy!

For what I have heard, most women with little buns in their oven suffer from fatigue ( Fernando calls it my excuse to finally be as lazy as I love to be! ) the worst during the first trimester. Well yesterday I had a break through! For the past 3 months I have been lucky to get through my work day without taking a nap. Yesterday was a 180 for me! I cleaned, had my car windshield repaired, went swimming with my family for a couple of hours, went shopping, cleaned the house, cooked a gourmet dinner and did the dishes afterwards. Not once did I flip out on Fernando, and I did this all with a smile on my face! I see my old self coming back into the light and some delicious food on the horizon! Second trimester here I come!

This was our dinner last night: Veggie and 3 Cheese Stuffed Shells with a Cucumber, Red Onion, White Wine Vinegar Salad! Yum!

My new favorite snack/dessert! 12 Flavors of Gummy Bears!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Belly Pictures!

I know that this blog site hasn't been receiving my full attention and I do apologize. This job has been getting the best of me and recovering from the stress has been my top priority.

One of my worst nightmares came alive, and I was looking at a gun pointed at my face. All I could think about was that I needed to calm down and not get over worked. I am pregnant and I need to put my baby first, we will be fine as long as I stay calm. Believe me, I did my best and it paid off!

A week off of work and a new transfer to another location is just what I needed! As a precaution I scheduled a same day doctors appointment to make sure our little one was not being affected by my my unwanted eventful day.

When I first heard that fast hummingbird thud of a heartbeat my heart sank and I knew that everything was going to be okay! God has blessed us with a strong baby and allowed my little family to move forward. That is why I wanted to share with everyone our little one growing!

12 Weeks!

11 Weeks!

10 Weeks!

9 Weeks!