
Saturday, August 27, 2011

A New Kind of Shopping!

A lovely day today is what I had with my mother, sister Raquel and her two crazy adorable sons Sammy and Noah. I am always taken back when I hear the smart and mindful thoughts that come out of those two boys. I guess like others I catch myself underestimating the the level of maturity that my nephews are capable of!

Our journey today started with bumming around the mall, window shopping for some even that is bound to be around the corner one of these days! I don't know why I am so gullible when it comes to these outings. I am the one who is always broke but I somehow seem to be the one who makes the first purchase! Oh well, in the back of my mind I am beaming with happiness, thinking of the great new find I have at the bottom of my bag.

Now in the past I have had frozen yogurt, but until today I have never had REAL frozen yogurt bites of deliciousness! I was quite content for the rest of the day, ( so I thought ) with my raspberry yogurt topped with blackberries, sliced kiwi, bits of strawberries, and a couple of fresh raspberries to go on top!

On our way back to the car, Motherhood was spotted and in we went, to window shop... so I thought! I hadn't been in that store sense my older sister was pregnant with her first, so I didn't really know what to expect. Well hellooo skinny jeans!! I was so surprised with how many cute, stylish and affordable clothes that they offered! Fitting rooms here I come, along with the awkward baby bump latch on for quick peeks into the future as to what Ill look like in 5 months! That is something very weird to me. Needless to say, I fell in love with these cute dark jeans that I could picture myself going into labor in! Stylish and ready to become a mama! As a gift from my lovely mother, she insisted that she make the purchase for me, well thank you mom!

Pregnancy here I come, with a cute new wardrobe!

1 comment:

  1. This simple shirt looks really nice ...don't you think so?so b eautiful for a pregnant mom..
