
Friday, September 2, 2011

Mothers of Multiples!

Today was on the path of being another blah day and I was on auto-drive for the most part! When I least expected it, it turned out to be eye opening for me.

I was helping out a member with her account and she stated that she worked for a non-profit organization, so I asked her what is was all about. She works for Broomfields local mothers of multiples club! I thought wow, that is so neat! So I started talking about how I was pregnant with my first and how I was hoping for having multiples but was blessed this time around with a singleton. This woman was the mother of 11 month old triplets! Talk about being lucky!!

The organization has a sale twice a year that sells used baby goods, they try to help out mothers in all possible ways including monthly meeting/support groups! For the next sale, I plan on attending with our month old little bundle of joy next March! I know that this group is putting their used goods towards such a great cause because they are already a group of great mothers!

For this post I just wanted to recognize all of the mothers of multiples and just say that you are all troopers!!!

-As a side note,so are all the moms and dads out there!

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