
Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Little Lazy Mixed With Fun

Our weekend was very ideal for me, I think this has a lot to do with me rubbing off on Fernando. He has always been the type to go go go, but ever since this pregnancy I believe his true lazy side has started to show! I must say, I'm enjoying it very much!

Saturday, we were supposed to run a bunch of errands and then he was going to go ride his dirtbike for the day, well that never happened. I treated him to an amazingly yummy lunch at one of our favorite Vietnamese restaurants, that was my little trick in getting him to agree! You see, I always want Vietnamese food lately! Then we went home, it was only supposed to be a quick stop to let our dog Odom out. However, we woke up 2 hours later from a much needed nap! I haven't taken a nap since my second trimester started, now I know that I need to start up with them again. Long story short, nothing that we planned was accomplished yesterday!

For today, we watched the premier of Tebow and his new starting position with the Denver Broncos. I'm starting to get the hang of this whole football thing, I think! Then we went to my works company picnic, bowling style! Let me just say, my mom had her concerns because she went into labor with me when she was bowling! I was just fine with my little 8 pound ball! Until the second game, then Fernando had to finish for me, scoring a couple strikes to add to my winning score! I think our little one had fun too because while we were enjoying our time she was busy kicking away!

To be on the fair side, we ended our day hanging out with Ray and Sammy, my two brother-in-laws. They had their ATV's and Fernando had his dirtbike. While they were busy with their toys, Odom and I enjoyed a long walk with a little bit of catch for his exercise. Like I said, this weekend was very ideal! I wonder what the week has in store for us!


  1. sounds like a great weekend! :)

  2. Nice little woman sounds good. Now with the Colorado snow those 3 guys need some sleds with motors to keep them busy. ;) jk love you woman.
