
Monday, November 28, 2011

Life as a Blurr!

These past few weeks have passed by my eyes in such a blur that I cant comprehend how I am still standing! Here is my last couple of weeks summed up for you all!

Update on our craft day: I was going to make the chalkboard name tags...that never happened like I had planned...sorry! I was so caught up in making these adorable hats and gloves with my family that I decided to do the name tags another time. Here are a few that I made!

School is almost over for the semester, just 2 more weeks! I cant express how thrilled I am to be away from books and class discussions! Although I know this break will fly by I plan on enjoying every second of it!

Thanksgiving was AMAZING! I had this thought that I could eat as much as I wanted due to the fact that Im pregnant, but I found that it was harder than I thought! Our little girl was taking up all the space that I could have fit more food into! We had two dinners so I did eat more than I thought I could. Plus leftovers, I think I'm set till Christmas!

 All I know is that our baby girl is growing so fast and I couldn't be more happier about it! Only 2 months and 1 week until my due date! We are thinking of naming her Aleena!

Note for pregnant mothers to be: Black Friday and large stomaches equals a rough shopping trip! Although we did find some killer deals on diapers and some household items, if I'm ever pregnant again during Black Friday madness I will happily skip it!

New Belly Photo! (2 weeks old sorry!!)
 I hope you all had an amazing holiday!

1 comment:

  1. you look so adorable!!
