
Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Little Help Please!!

I guess since I don't have experience with preparing for a little one I have tons of questions. Questions that I should know but forget to ask. Questions I look up on Google, but don't trust the answers given to me.

So here is where you all fall into play, load me up with your advice!!! Please tell me your hidden secrets and the ways you prepared for your child(den)!! Don't be shy!!! I want to see what cool tricks you all have up your sleeves!!

1. When did you start shopping?
2. How did you decide what to shop for first? Diapers vs. Adorable outfit?!
3. How soon did you have your baby shower? It did you wait till the last minute?
4. What items are okay for hand-me-downs, and which ones need to be bought new?
5. When is too early to set up the nursery?
6. Parenting classes..are they worth it?
7. Is a birth plan a must?
8. What types of meals did you make to be frozen when it was time to welcome your little one into this world?
9. Is it worth it to overthink EVERYTHING??
10. What did you pack in your hospital bag? Food included!

Now I know there are a lot of questions but I really would appreciate your your thoughts! I look forward to reading your responses!


  1. 1. When did you start shopping? Around 20 weeks along
    2. How did you decide what to shop for first? I tried to shop for the big-ticket stuff: stroller, crib, etc., because I knew I would get a lot of clothes from family/friends.
    3. How soon did you have your baby shower? My best friend held my baby shower when I was 32 weeks along.
    4. What items are okay for hand-me-downs, and which ones need to be bought new? I think it depends on you; I welcome hand-me-down clothes and toys (in fact I prefer it). I would draw the line at bottles/pacifiers/nursing equipment: buy those new.
    5. When is too early to set up the nursery? Better early than late -- we waited till the last minute and I was nervous! But if you're superstitious you should wait till 20+ weeks.
    6. Parenting classes..are they worth it? I didn't take any. I did my own research. But I can tell you that nothing will fully prepare you for being a parent. You just have to go through it yourself. At a certain point you'll start to get more confident in your decisions, and you'll rely less on external guidance to help you.
    7. Is a birth plan a must? HA! My birth plan included one thing: no C-section. And guess what happened? So in my experience, I say birth plans are for the birds. In general, though, don't be afraid to speak up about your likes/dislikes around your care providers. They are there to serve/help you.
    8. What types of meals did you make to be frozen when it was time to welcome your little one into this world? None, and I wish I had. I would've been extremely happy to find some lasagna or noodles in the fridge. You'll crave comfort foods.
    9. Is it worth it to overthink EVERYTHING?? No. It seemed like every step along the way there was something to worry about (tests, blood pressure, am I ready for a baby?). In retrospect that was wasted energy.
    10. What did you pack in your hospital bag? Food included! I packed a lot of stuff. The only things I used were my cameras and phone and going-home outfit. Everything else the hospital can provide. On this note, take everything that isn't bolted down: diapers, baby care stuff, etc. If it's in your room, it's already being billed to you, so you might as well take advantage.

    Hope this helps!

  2. 1. When did you start shopping?
    I started shopping as soon as I found out the gender..which was around my 5th month of pregnancy.

    2. How did you decide what to shop for first?
    I started with the stuff I knew the baby definitely the carseat and basinet.

    3. How soon did you have your baby shower?
    If possible I would say have the baby shower around 8th month for the other items you didn't receive from the baby shower. And so you don't over work yourself the last month.

    4. What items are okay for hand-me-downs, and which ones need to be bought new?
    I would say clothes , shoes, blankets and some toys are ok for hand-me-downs. Definitely not bottles, pacifiers or car seats.

    5. When is too early to set up the nursery?
    I've always waited til the last minute. Lol but idk I would say whenever you feel is the right time. Sorry I'm no help on this one.

    6. Parenting classes..are they worth it?
    This being your first child I would def recommend attending a birthing class. The different techniques they show and teach are very helpful and give you various options as to what might help ease/tolerate the pain during labor. After going to the class I felt more prepared for labor and delivery. In the end, the breathing techniques and positions I learned helped me so much. Even after hearing the stories and advice of my mom, cousins and aunts who gave birth I just felt more anxious and unsure of what to expect. Again I highly recommend the birthing class.

    7. Is a birth plan a must?
    It's not a must but I think you should have one just in case...i did have one fire the first birth but everything happened so fast I didn't have a chance to give it to the dr or nurse. Its good to have one in case Fernando forgets about how you want things done. This way if the nurse or anyone had questions as to what you want you can give then your birth plan.

    8. What types of meals did you make to be frozen when it was time to welcome your little one into this world?
    I was always too tired prepare any freezer meals. Lol

    9. Is it worth it to overthink EVERYTHING??
    No! Because not everything will go as planned. Try to enjoy your pregnancy and not stress. Everything will fall into place. And you have a great supoort system.

    10. What did you pack in your hospital bag?
    I packed comfy outfit for going home, camera, phone charger, shampoo, tooth paste, couple pairs of clothes for the baby
    , mittens for the baby, snacks, slippers, socks, robe, blankets for the baby and my own pillow. I know I'm forgetting stuff but th is will have to do. Lol I hope I helped. Lol miss you guys tons and I can't wait to see my beautiful little niece!

  3. Little Grey Pixel, thank you so much for all your answers!!

  4. Val! Thank you so much! I really am lost with certain things, and with school and work I dont have time to figure this all out on my own! We miss you all too, and I hope that you're able to come out here when the baby is born! Love you all!

  5. 1. Around 20 weeks, after we found out the gender of out baby.
    2. We bought clothes first. I think it would be a smart idea to start buying diapers now just whenever you go to the store, and buy them in different sizes. It was nice to have enough diapers to last us awhile before we had to start buying more.
    3. I had my baby shower April 19th and I was due June 3rd.
    4. Clothes and toys are good for hand-me-downs. Things like cribs and carseats though I would get new.
    5. When ever you want to start setting it up is up to you!
    6. we took a birth class that was focused around natural childbirth at home or a birth center, we loved our class!!
    7. In my opinion yes! I was so glad to have a birth plan because the birth of my daughter did not go as planned.
    8. I was bad with this one and didn't make anything ahead of time. Next time around I will!
    9. NO! Enjoy your pregnancy and enjoy your time with your husband before the baby comes. When my daughter was born I was really surprised that I had motherly instincts, and just knew what to do!
    10. We were supposed to have our daughter at a birth center so I didn't pack a lot of extras but I really wish I would have packed more then I needed just in case. Pack a couple comfy outfits for you and your husband as well as toiletries, and any pillows and blankets you want to bring from home. For your baby bring blankets, a few different sleepers and onesies, hats, and mittens. For food we brought powerade, larabars, luna bars, cliff bars for my husband, and jolly ranchers to suck on while in labor. We were also were going to brink fruit, sandwiches, and soup. Bring anything that you know will make you guys more comfortable.

    Hope that helped some!
