
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 1/2 Months!

I haven't done this in a really long time, so I thought I would update you all with how I'm progressing through this pregnancy! All I know is that time is FLYING by! I love it! Soon we will be kissing and loving Aleena up all the time!! Cant wait!!

Weeks: 30 weeks and 1 day!

Weight Gain: According to my last Dr. appointment, which was 2 weeks ago, I have gained a total of 23lbs. I am amazed with how much weight we women gain during these 9 months, but I know that it is all for the well being of our beautiful babies-to-be!

Appetite: I am pretty much back into my first trimester habit of eating every hour. I'm trying my hardest to make the healthier choice but that is not always successful! I enjoy my treats, but during the day I have at least 4 pieces of fruit as a snack! Grapes and bananas...YUM!

Clothes: The only thing that Ive noticed is that my maternity shirts are becoming more figure fitting than when I wore them for the first time! Oh well, I love seeing my baby belly!

Belly Button: My belly button might stay in its awkward stage during this entire pregnancy! It just seems to want to stay halfway in but stretch the outside rims out more like crazy! Is anyone else like this too?

Aleena's Progress: " Your baby is about 15.7 inches long, and weighs about 3 pounds". I can definitely tell that she is getting a little chunky in there! When she moves I feel her more than I ever could! I love talking to her, knowing that she knows my voice and responds to it makes me fall more in love with her every time!

Goal of the Week: I am officially almost done with Christmas shopping! Just a few more gifts and then the wrapping will begin! Every year it seems like I am the last one to finish up and actually have gifts under the tree. I have accomplished a lot of projects this week, however they all had to deal with Aleena's nursery! I can't wait to actually see it all put together! She is going to love it (or at least thats what I say)!
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Enjoy your families!

1 comment:

  1. you look adorable! you are getting so close! have a merry christmas.
