
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Car Seat Canopy!

I absolutely love getting emails from all the baby and mommy websites. Giving me tons of information on baby products and baby info in general. One of my regular emails came the other day and I jumped at the opportunity it was presenting me with immediately! Fernando, like myself, thought that it was a scam at first because of how awesome the deal was, a little too good to be true. That was not the case at all! It offered a promo code while supplies last for a free, yes, free car seat canopy! Regularly $50, we were able to drop the price to $0! They were also offering the Whole Caboodle set for $30, regularly $135! Obviously we would be covering the shipping expense but we were all for it! 

I have been seeing these canopies ever since I became pregnant, but I never knew anyone with one, or much about them for me to purchase one. Well, when this deal came to me I jumped on it and am excited to see for myself how wonderful this product is! We should be receiving the canopy in the next couple of days, but until then, I was just wondering if any of you had heard anything, or have one yourself? What do you think about it?

We chose this adorable black and white exterior with a hot pink interior! I didn't want to over power the whole pink baby girl idea so I figured this is a very cute and even balance between my taste as well as sharing with everyone that we have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl!!

This cute little baby girl really makes me excited for our little Aleena to be inside of her canopy! 


  1. Hey just found your blog on TBB so I thought I'd say HI! I'm also a Denver mamma's pregnant- due april with a little girl (also have a 4 year old son.) Those canopy's look great! I always just threw a blanket over- but this looks awesome!

  2. Darlene!!!! I didn't know you had a blog! This is Matthew's sisters blog haha. This is so crazy :) I was like "hmm I wonder who tales of a young mamma is" and then I see it's you :D Puss o kram

    Jessica: Btw Jessica this is pretty random but this person who commented on your blog is my friend who I met in Denver :) It's a small world.
