
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our Weekend Scare

This weekend was a circus for me. I started out with a nasty cough on Friday and then it turned into a sinus problem on Saturday. Along with me trying to get rid of the "flu" I started to notice that Aleena wasn't as active as she usually is. She wouldn't respond to my voice, my pushes on my stomach, or even a loud, sudden bang on the door. Just when I was getting worried she would move or poke her elbow into me. Making me think that I was over exaggerating. Putting that aside, like I know I shouldn't have, I went along with my day on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday I had a fever, a migraine, and to top it all off I couldn't get out of bed. Around 3 in the afternoon, I noticed that Aleena still hadn't started moving as much as I would have liked so I decided to call the after hours call center for my OB. I was worried because Aleena still hadn't gotten back to her normal busy body self. The nurse on the phone said that I needed to get to the hospital right away and she basically made me feel like the worst mother ever for not calling sooner.

 To top that all off, Fernando wasn't home, he was fixing his car with my brother-in-law. I didn't want to freak him out but I knew that he needed to know what what going on and that I was going to drive myself to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital they hooked me up on monitors right away. Fernando got there with my mom, sisters, niece, and nephew a few minutes later. My heart dropped when I heard her strong heartbeat. It was such a relief to know that she was okay and that I didn't cause any harm to come towards her. The Dr. said that due to my illness she was being affected by it as well. She was sleeping it off just like me, and that she should come around very soon. We stayed for two hours just to make sure that there wasn't a change in her heart rate. 
Now I'm on a 64 oz. per day water binge. I think that I'm actually stretching out my bladder and Aleena is trying to make me pee my pants! I am so truly thankful that our baby girl is doing great, it just makes me want her to come out into my arms that much sooner. 

I love you Aleena, please don't scare mommy like that again. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stroller..Car Seat.. Check!

Today was a very productive day I would have to say! We had planned on going out yesterday and buy a car seat but that plan didn't happen. We were in a lazy mood and decided to take advantage of this great 3 day weekend, so today we had decided that we had procrastinated enough. Time to buy a car seat!

We have lived in this area for almost a year, and not until recently have to discovered all of the shops north of us. Its kind of funny, but I think we were just so used to being more south that we never considered exploring north of our neighborhood. Our train of thought was that it was all too far, even though in reality all of our favorite stores were much closer, less busy, and were much more upgraded! Too bad we are moving in less than a month. 

Well our outing today started at a Babies R Us/Toys R Us to look for the perfect car seat. Plus I had printed up a 20% coupon off any single baby travel system product. Score! That sure did come in handy, saving us a whopping $48. Now a days, any money saved is a huge success for us. Fernando was very pleased with my coupon skills!

We already had a specific car seat picked out, which we based on the comfort and style. Well earlier this week I was killing time at work and decided to look at the reviews for that product. Glad that I did, the reviews were horrible, so we knew that we needed to do a lot more research and find a new one fast.
 When I think about the type of car seat that would fit my everyday needs, I think: lightweight, easy to handle, safe, and comfortable. Not only did we need a car seat, but also a stroller. When it comes to strollers I believe myself to be very picky. I don't like bulky items or 4 wheel strollers, and I want to be able to go jogging with Aleena as well as be able to take the stroller anywhere we might be. 

Hurray!!! We found our perfect match! It's a 3 wheel jogger stroller and car seat package, i'm so excited to put it to use!

This one is purple and black, but we decided to go with a green and grey stroller. I do like it a lot better than this purple one, so does Fernando. I can totally picture myself going for a jog with this bad boy!
This makes two items checked off of our check list. A very successful and productive day! 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Overwhelmed? I Think Yes.

Im thinking it has a lot to do with it being my 3rd trimester. Out of nowhere came this hurricane of obstacles that make me feel defeated. Not knowing where to start, when ill be able to complete what needs to be done, moving in less than a month, baby arriving right after, or before, school starting next week, baby shower in 3 weeks..the list goes on and on! First of all, next time we are pregnant, the baby shower will be during the 2nd trimester, not the 3rd, and moving and due date will be nowhere near each other! I know that I need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and set weekly, or daily goals instead of freaking out like I know how to. However, its hard for me to do that when I know that the clock is ticking and time is running out!

Am I the only one that has, or is feeling like this during the 3rd trimester? I hope I'm not because I need! Fernando is helping with everything as much as he possibly can but I still feel like thats not good enough, I know, rude right? One of my main concerns is if we will have everything we need when the baby comes. I don't want to be unprepared, but I know that we are going to be. Do we have enough diapers, wipes, bottles, clothes, burping cloths, the baby essentials? All this is on my shoulders right now when I wish it was already taken care of.

Here is a question for all you working mothers out there...when did you stop working? Was is when you went into labor? Or did you stop a while before your due date? Do you wish you would have made a different decision with work or not? I feel caught in this money trap, when I know that I should be thinking about our baby instead. Reality is that I'm not sure we can afford me taking off a few weeks earlier than expected. Please give me some feedback, I need to guidance.

P.S. Dont forget to vote, it only takes 2 clicks!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

8 Months & 0 Days!

Today was my 33 week appointment, which I love having on or after my new month! It gives me a sense of satisfaction knowing that she is that much bigger inside of me, and growing that much more healthier and stronger due to us having an amazing pregnancy...(knock on wood) so far!

My Dr. was running a little late today because one of her other patients, who was pregnant with twins, went into labor during her appointment! How exciting right?! Well I didn't mind the wait because this was an appointment that I had scheduled by accident on a work day, so the longer the wait, the longer until I have to go back to work!

During my entire pregnancy, I have been classified as a low-risk pregnancy (thank goodness). However, it never seems to fail for me to worry that something could change any minute, so I take each day one at a time. This appointment was a success I would have to say though, unlike my last! Last month I gained 10 lbs. in one month!! Hello yummy Thanksgiving dinner! I obviously needed a reality check. Anyways...this month I made sure to make more healthier food choices and it turns out that it did pay off! A total of 3.5 lbs. were gained in the past month! Making my total weight gain 28 lbs.!! Oh yeah, I am super proud of myself because I know that my baby girl is also eating a lot healthier! I made it through Christmas and the new years without gaining 10 lbs. again!

Other than that, our little Aleena is right on schedule! Only 7 more weeks until we get to meet her, and 7 more weeks (hopefully) until we decide on her middle name! Its a toss up between:
Aleena Jade Herrera
Aleena Maddison Herrera

I love them both personally, but Fernando keeps changing his mind on which one he loves the best! Hopefully we will figure this tough cookie out soon enough!

( Sorry if its a little too revealing, but I love my full belly picture this month!)
33 weeks, 0 days!!
33 weeks, 0 days!!

P.S. Dont forget to vote, it only takes 2 clicks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Stir-Fry For Dinner...Score!

Last week I went grocery shopping and had the entire weeks meals planned out! I don't mean to brag, but I was pretty proud of myself to planning ahead for once! Well the first night I decided to make delicious sautéed bell pepper and onion meatball sandwiches with a salad on the side! Those made my top ten favorite and fast recipe list! The following night I had planned on making stir-fry, even though I had to work that day, I wanted to cook for Fernando. When I called to have Fernando take the chicken out of the freezer, there was a problem. It turns out there was no chicken! I had forgotten to buy chicken! I swear its this stupid, forgetful pregnancy memory of mine! I have to use sticky notes for EVERYTHING or else I don't remember!!!

Well anyways, I made a quick trip to Target on my way home today and bought some chicken tenders. I love using these for my stir-fry because it just makes the cooking a little more faster! Without further a-due, here is my fabulous stir-fry!

I discovered the amazing rice cooker appliance, its my best friend! I start the rice off first so that I don't have to worry about it at all!

Then I cook the chicken in some EVOO!

After the chicken is done, I put it aside and add soy sauce, bamboo shoots, and water chestnuts into the pan. I have to have these steamed perfect, so thats why they go in first. 

While those are steaming away I wash, drain, and chop my broccoli, onions, mushrooms, and add snap peas into the mix!

Once I think the bamboo shoots and water chestnuts are cooked through enough, I add everything into the pan.

Once it is all done I serve it all up for Fernando and I, adding a little more soy sauce! (He thinks I put tons of effort into this meal! Shhh..he doesn't have to know that I don't!)
Serve this bad boy on a bed of rice and you have perfection!
Dinner was amazing! Fernando, Aleena and I, are all satisfied!

P.S. Dont forget to vote, it only takes 2 clicks!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

So Much To Do!!

This past few weeks has been exciting, hectic, stressful, and eventful! I feel like there has been so much for us to do and I have made baby steps doing the necessary tasks, but now it is time to kick it into full gear and get everything done! 
I dont think I've mentioned it before, but we are moving a week before my due date..I know right...crazy! The plan was to rent a house from Fernando's stepfather, the timing was perfect because it was going to be available at the beginning of February. Sadly, that plan isn't going to happen. We decided that it was a sign for us to take small steps, and to not rush into a house just yet...maybe next year. We were able to find an apartment though this past week and I am really excited about it! Having to change my train of thought and adjust to the idea that we were no longer going to have a yard, two bedrooms, and more space.I am now up for the challenge of keeping our new apartment organized and still have enough room for the soon-to-be three of us in a one bedroom. We decided to stay with a one bedroom to help save money on rent and save towards whatever comes our way in the near future. Its actually comforting knowing that we will have more money...especially with a new baby on the way! 
I've had a lot on my mind lately, including cleaning and de-cluttering the apartment we are in now so that the move will be easier on both Fernando and I. Who knows, we could either be moving with a newborn, or moving while I am at my biggest!

This weekend I was finally able to finish the baby shower invites and they are going out tomorrow! Only a little more than 3 weeks till the shower!!

Today we accomplished A LOT!!!

Carpet cleaned!

Downsizing the bookshelf!

Spring Cleaned our Closet!
(Yes it was a lot worse than this!)

I was able to make a donation pile, summer pile, and a pile that my sisters will be thankful to have back! 

Overall I believe that this week was a success! Now all I have to worry about is the big surprise that is going to happen at the beginning of next month! Sorry I cant share just yet, Fernando reads my blog! I will keep you updated though!

Oh and on Tuesday I will be 8 months!! So excited!!

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