
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Overwhelmed? I Think Yes.

Im thinking it has a lot to do with it being my 3rd trimester. Out of nowhere came this hurricane of obstacles that make me feel defeated. Not knowing where to start, when ill be able to complete what needs to be done, moving in less than a month, baby arriving right after, or before, school starting next week, baby shower in 3 weeks..the list goes on and on! First of all, next time we are pregnant, the baby shower will be during the 2nd trimester, not the 3rd, and moving and due date will be nowhere near each other! I know that I need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and set weekly, or daily goals instead of freaking out like I know how to. However, its hard for me to do that when I know that the clock is ticking and time is running out!

Am I the only one that has, or is feeling like this during the 3rd trimester? I hope I'm not because I need! Fernando is helping with everything as much as he possibly can but I still feel like thats not good enough, I know, rude right? One of my main concerns is if we will have everything we need when the baby comes. I don't want to be unprepared, but I know that we are going to be. Do we have enough diapers, wipes, bottles, clothes, burping cloths, the baby essentials? All this is on my shoulders right now when I wish it was already taken care of.

Here is a question for all you working mothers out there...when did you stop working? Was is when you went into labor? Or did you stop a while before your due date? Do you wish you would have made a different decision with work or not? I feel caught in this money trap, when I know that I should be thinking about our baby instead. Reality is that I'm not sure we can afford me taking off a few weeks earlier than expected. Please give me some feedback, I need to guidance.

P.S. Dont forget to vote, it only takes 2 clicks!


  1. I worked right up until! As in I went in to work on Friday, came home, and had a baby a day later! And it was fine! The baby was fine and I was much better for having kept busy.

    Also, don't worry about having everything. All a baby needs are diapers and food (or boob :) ). Everything else you can pick up from Target later. :)

    1. Thanks Ashleigh, really this gives me so much comfort!
