
Monday, April 23, 2012

Little Lady of Mine

I have been inspired! Jordan, who writes My Faere Lady (previously You Plus Me Equals Three), has given me the push that I've been needing to finally change my blog name! Its time for a change, and change is always good! So thank you Jordan I really do appreciate it! For those of you who haven't viewed her blog, hurry, what are you waiting for! Her and her husband just had a beautiful baby girl Vivienne!

I started this blog almost a year ago when we were first trying to conceive! Wow that seems like it was just yesterday! Now that we have been blessed with beautiful Aleena, I'm really needing to make this blog about our daily adventures as a new family and what lies ahead for us!

 I have been trying to think of a new name for weeks, and everything that I've come up with never fits what my blog is about. I knew that I was over thinking the whole thing so I gave it a rest for a while. Then I noticed that every time I mentioned Aleena I found myself referring to her as my Little Lady! This new name just fits so perfectly!  

Little Lady of Mine! Wow I can't get over how happy this new name makes me feel! 

A picture of Aleena's first day in this world! She's so big now!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout out, girl! Love the name change - definitely fitting :)
