
Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Little Ballerina!

Our Happy Little Lady!

Wednesday was Aleena's two month check up and the beginning to a very long day.

 I was so excited to see what the overall progress that Aleena had made since she was born! Though I was excited, I was also nervous because I knew two month check up also means two month shots,but Fernando and I knew that it was the best for her in the long run. Our doctor is amazing, I love how personal she is with Aleena, and its nice that she remembers Aleena's overall health (so I don't have to repeat everything every time we go in.) 

This is what we were told about our healthy little girl! 
 Height: 24 inches - 98 percentile (that's 3 inches in two months!!) 
Weight: 12.5 lbs. - 85 percentile (that's a little under 5 lbs. since birth!!) 
Head Circumference: 15 inches (she was born at 13 & 3/4)

I love all 24 inches of this girl!

 I text Fernando about her growth and he was so excited! The height comes from his dads side of the family, and all he can talk about now is how Aleena is going to be his little basketball player! I'm leaning more towards my little ballerina! Tutus, recitals, tight little bun hair-do!! So adorable!! 

 Anyways, back to her health! Her allergies are basically nonexistent, and have been ever since we sent our dog away to live in New Mexico with grandma Priscilla! (Sorry Fernando but Aleena comes first, you'll get over it eventually...I hope!) Her baby acne is almost cleared up 100%, so all in all we have a very healthy, tall little chunker!! I also purchased some vitamin D droplets to give her once a day so her bones grow big and strong! (All I know is that they sure do stink...weird right?) 

 Then came time for the shots, I was sad, nervous, and ready to punch the nurse for making my baby cry (my maternal instincts were on hyperdrive). Thankfully our nurse was caring, patient, and she was doing her best to make Aleena like her before she gave her the three shots. The scream that came from my love was unbearable, I couldn't stand that she was in pain so I cried with her (that still wasn't enough to male her feel better.) The scream was short lived, and as soon as I put her back into her carseat she was sound asleep for the next 3 hours. 

My poor baby girl.

 Boy was she mad when she woke up! Screaming during her burping, her feeding, and when I was holding her. I finally laid her down to sleep and she passed out within a minute...for another 3 hours. I was able to get a lot of homework done but I didn't like the reasoning behind it. The next day she was back to her happy little self, and I was relieved that her two month check up was over and done with. Here are some pictures of our little princess!! 

Aunty Lala!


Grandpa Emilio!

 Oh and did I mention that she started to semi-crawl! We caught it on video the second time around! She doesn't use her arms but her long legs were scooting her along the couch from one cushion to the next! Ahh I'm not ready for her to crawl yet!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww that's so sad when they are getting the shots! Made me sad just reading it! Shes doin great Jes& Nando! I love your blog. P.S. Aleena tell Auntie LaLa not to cut her looks so beautiful just like her! I love your hair Aleena! Love to all of you!
