
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Part Three..The Last Part!

After the epidural, I slept for two hours. I just passed out as soon as the pain was gone, everyone left us alone because they knew we had a long day ahead of us.I wish that I had slept longer than two hours though, I was exhausted!

I woke up with the sudden urge to start pushing. At first it wasn't anything crazy, but then it started to get very uncomfortable, as if Aleena was about to fall out of me on her own if I didn't start soon! The nurse came to check me and said that I was fully dilated but Aleena needed to come down a little further before I could start pushing. Thirty minutes later, at 6:00am I started to push.

Fernando was so nervous that he sat the entire time in the corner. I could tell he was hyperventilating but I didn't have time to worry about him.I had a lot of my family in the room, I knew that I didn't want them to miss her birth. My Nonie, Mom, sisters Elesha, Raquel, and Abriam, as well as Fernando obviously! My mom and sister Elesha held my legs and they really gave me the confidence I needed, although I had planned on Fernando holding one of them, it didn't quite happen. About halfway through, the nurses shift change started (thank goodness). That rude nurse was out of my life finally, and I was blessed with another one! Which I loved! She helped reposition me to make every push count, guided my breathing, and helped me in the best way possible!

I guess because I was counting in my head so often, that the time flew by. Pushing didn't hurt me, it was a sort of pain and pressure relief. I wanted to keep pushing right through the contractions so I could finally meet out baby girl. Two hours passed and thats when the ring of fire kicked in! Ouch, they really weren't joking about that either. I almost got her out when the ring kicked in, but I didn't push hard enough. I had to sit there in the worst pain ever for a few minutes waiting for another contraction. Finally,I was able to push my last push.

Aleena was born at 8:16am. A healthy 7lbs. 11 oz., stretching 21 in. long! Her head was 13 3/4 in. around, and her first scream was so precious! When she came out she just laid in my arms with her big eyes looking around, so curious as to what was around her! She didn't make a sound after that! The first words I spoke to our darling daughter were, "hi baby!"

Fernando cut the cord, cried while looking at her, and fell in love that very moment all over again! We were both proud parents and have been ever since!

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