
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DIY: Leg Warmers

I love Pinterest! Who doesn't?! It makes me feel as though I'm a gourmet chef, or a pristine sewer, and even someone with at least one creative bone in my body! Let's face it, I'm sure Pinterest gives us all a small dose of satisfaction during our day! That's why I wanted to share with you the latest project that I've been working on from a little inspiration (via here) I found on this life saving site! 
These leg warmers are so adorable, easy to make, super fast, and another way to admire you little ones chunky, lovable, squeezable thighs! Though it's summer time, I still love using these while we are relaxing in the AC!

Leg Warmers: Size 3-12 Months

One pair of socks
Fabric scissors
Thread (I hand stitched, but a sewing machine would be awesome if you have one.)

First, start out with a pair of women's knee-high socks, mine are from Target. Match the two socks up evenly so that the end result is even, cut along the three designated sections. (You can throw away the heel and toe section, or use it as scrap material for another project. Keep the middle and calf section.)

Next, take the foot piece of material and cuff it in half, right side material facing out.
Slip the cuff onto the calf piece of material, cut ends matched up to one another. Pin.

Last, sew along your pins, and finish with a secure knot. After you're done sewing, flip the cuff up, and you have these amazing leg warmers! So easy right?! 

I hope you enjoy making these as much as I did!
Note: If hand stitching, do not pull thread tight, it will cause the end result fabric to gather.


  1. Love this idea!! soo smart and way cheaper! what a darling little model :)

    1. It is so easy! Thanks, she wasn't really into taking the pictures, it was nap time!

  2. That's so awesome! My husband so would not let me put those on my son!

    1. Thanks! I've seen dome really cute ones for little boys using argyle socks!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oh my gosh, im so sorry sabrina, I accidently deleted your comment. Thanks for loving them, they were fun!

  4. Wow you've done a really great job here! :). I saw these when Roman was a baby and put it on my 'things to make' list ;). Yeah that never happened and I just bought these frog style ones in place of making any :P.

    1. I bet the frogs look great on your little guy! I was just going to buy some too but I wanted to test out my sewing skills!
