
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 1/2 Months!

I haven't done this in a really long time, so I thought I would update you all with how I'm progressing through this pregnancy! All I know is that time is FLYING by! I love it! Soon we will be kissing and loving Aleena up all the time!! Cant wait!!

Weeks: 30 weeks and 1 day!

Weight Gain: According to my last Dr. appointment, which was 2 weeks ago, I have gained a total of 23lbs. I am amazed with how much weight we women gain during these 9 months, but I know that it is all for the well being of our beautiful babies-to-be!

Appetite: I am pretty much back into my first trimester habit of eating every hour. I'm trying my hardest to make the healthier choice but that is not always successful! I enjoy my treats, but during the day I have at least 4 pieces of fruit as a snack! Grapes and bananas...YUM!

Clothes: The only thing that Ive noticed is that my maternity shirts are becoming more figure fitting than when I wore them for the first time! Oh well, I love seeing my baby belly!

Belly Button: My belly button might stay in its awkward stage during this entire pregnancy! It just seems to want to stay halfway in but stretch the outside rims out more like crazy! Is anyone else like this too?

Aleena's Progress: " Your baby is about 15.7 inches long, and weighs about 3 pounds". I can definitely tell that she is getting a little chunky in there! When she moves I feel her more than I ever could! I love talking to her, knowing that she knows my voice and responds to it makes me fall more in love with her every time!

Goal of the Week: I am officially almost done with Christmas shopping! Just a few more gifts and then the wrapping will begin! Every year it seems like I am the last one to finish up and actually have gifts under the tree. I have accomplished a lot of projects this week, however they all had to deal with Aleena's nursery! I can't wait to actually see it all put together! She is going to love it (or at least thats what I say)!
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Enjoy your families!

A For Aleena!!!

I thought I would share really quick my late night project that I threw together last night! I got this wooden A from Hobby Lobby yesterday for a little over $1 and I knew right away that it was going to be something  gorgeous for our little Aleena's room-to-be! Sorry I'm making this quick but I'm headed out to my dentist appointment...blah. Well I hope you like it! 

Oh, ill be back on here tonight to give you all an update with my baby belly and my overall pregnancy at 7 1/2 months! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Craft Time!

I wanted to make this years Christmas a little more special with making all of the kids in my family handmade gifts that they were sure to love! I was searching on the internet for about a week when I stumbled on a tweet by Craft that showed how to make a sleepover pillowcase. It was so cute, it had a zipper and button pocket that held stuffed animals, books, or any special keepsakes. I decided on starting them last week, so I made my way to the fabric store. I was a little nervous because I have never used a sewing machine, so I was going to have my Nonie help me learn! I sure had a surprise in store for me, fabric is expensive!! Well I thought so and I was also trying to make these gifts special and on a budget. That was not going to happen if I went with the same gift idea. 

I didn't want to make my trip to the fabric store a complete waste so I decided to pick up three beautiful patterns and decided to make some cute pillows for our little girls nursery! They are all different sizes and they came out exactly how I imagined them! Plus I was able to experience a sewing machine for the first time! Success!

I also saw an adorable idea to make a clock out of buttons and using a embroidery wheel. Im almost done with it, I just need to buy the actual clock arms and battery. I am already so excited with how its coming out!!

I am a DIY freak now, and I love following other crafters on FB. Thrifty Decor Chick had these adorable candle holders that she just used as center pieces. I thought that I could do the same with some scrapbook paper and some glasses from the thrift store! They are absolutely my favorite! I think that these will be great for Aleena's nightlight using the battery candles! We are super excited to put her nursery together after we move!

Oh and one more thing! I picked these adorable butterflies up from Hobby Lobby for only $1.50 each! I think they will look great hanging on one of the nursery walls or from the ceiling! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Car Seat Canopy!

I absolutely love getting emails from all the baby and mommy websites. Giving me tons of information on baby products and baby info in general. One of my regular emails came the other day and I jumped at the opportunity it was presenting me with immediately! Fernando, like myself, thought that it was a scam at first because of how awesome the deal was, a little too good to be true. That was not the case at all! It offered a promo code while supplies last for a free, yes, free car seat canopy! Regularly $50, we were able to drop the price to $0! They were also offering the Whole Caboodle set for $30, regularly $135! Obviously we would be covering the shipping expense but we were all for it! 

I have been seeing these canopies ever since I became pregnant, but I never knew anyone with one, or much about them for me to purchase one. Well, when this deal came to me I jumped on it and am excited to see for myself how wonderful this product is! We should be receiving the canopy in the next couple of days, but until then, I was just wondering if any of you had heard anything, or have one yourself? What do you think about it?

We chose this adorable black and white exterior with a hot pink interior! I didn't want to over power the whole pink baby girl idea so I figured this is a very cute and even balance between my taste as well as sharing with everyone that we have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl!!

This cute little baby girl really makes me excited for our little Aleena to be inside of her canopy! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Bola Musical Pregnancy Pendant

A package was delivered to me today from my brother Matthew and his girlfriend, who at the moment are living in Sweden. I have been getting messages from them for the past couple of days asking if I had received it yet. I figured it was a cute pair of shoes or a piece of clothing that they had picked up for our little baby girl Aleena. However, I was emotionally surprised by how thoughtful and meaningful the gift inside the package was, and I was unable to keep my tear ducts from going into overdrive. 

Inside was a letter, this letter made me cry, and I hadn't even opened the bubble wrapped gift yet. The letter said:

The Bola Musical Pregnancy Pendant is worn just like a necklace, except that the pendant rests low on a pregnant mama's belly and creates a soft chime when she walks or moves, or when the baby is active. From about 20 weeks, your baby will be able to hear and enjoy the soothing sound of the chime too!
Nadja heard about this and really thought that this would be a great thing to have. After your baby is born it will be able to recognize  the sound of the chime, like your voice or music, and it can help relax your child. We both love you and hope you will enjoy it.
Matthew & Nadja

Inside the package was this beautiful pendant connected to a long string. I immediately put it on and moved it so Aleena could start to recognize the beautiful, soothing chime that came from it.
I am truly blessed to have my brother and Nadja in my life, Aleena is so loved already and she wont grace us for another 2 months.
Thank you Matthew and Nadja, we all love you so much!